Kenya - Installation of Bishop Anthony Ireri Mukobo

Published in I missionari dicono
(click here for pictures of the celebration)
{mosimage}Bishop Anthony Ireri Mukobo has been installed new Apostolic Vicar of the Apostolic Vicariate of Isiolo, becoming the successor of the late Bishop Luigi Locati, slain on July 14. The simple ceremony of the installation took place in St Eusebius cathedral starting form 10.00 am at the presence of the Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya, H. E. Alain Paul Lebeaupin, and 23 of the 29 bishops of Kenya, accompanied by over 200 priests, innumerable religious sisters and brothers and a huge crowd of faithful, many of whom had to follow the proceedings from several tv-sets placed at strategic points outside the cathedral.

The new bishop was welcomed in the cathedral by Archbishop John Njue, who for eighth months had been the Apostolic administrator of Isiolo. He then surrendered the bishop’s staff to the Nuncio who handed it over to the new bishop seated on the cathedra of St Eusebius of Isiolo.
The introductory speech of Archbp Njue, the homily of the newly installed shepherd, the speeches of the many guests at the end of the ceremony had some common points:
- the recognition of the peculiar reality of Isiolo wit hits multicultural and multi religious reality and difficult environment;
- the importance of the event (an African Bishop to such a challenging vicariate) as a sign of trust and maturity of the Church in Africa becoming more and more missionary to herself and to the world;
{mosimage}- the challenges facing the new bishops and his young church: self-support, self-ministering and self-propagation;
- the call to the Church of Vercelli, Italy, the mother church of Bp Locati which has always supported the vicariate, “don’t abandon Isiolo”; the same appeal was addressed to the Consolata Missionaries, the religious family the new bishop and first evangelisers of the area;
- the appeal to unity, ecumenism and religious dialogue and the fact that the Bishop is the bishop of all, not only of the Catholics; a Muslim leader, welcoming “our bishop”, aptly reminded everybody that according to all Faiths we will be judged not by our wealth, houses or power, but the love we had for one another;
- the fond and affectionate memory of Bishop Luigi Locati whose “presence” was strongly felt by all.
Bishop Mukobo quoted the words of St Augustine, “with you I am a Christian, for you I am a bishop”, to stress the need to walk in unity and his responsibility to be the true shepherd for all.
Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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