South Africa - Taking difficult decisions

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}08 May 2006
Today we started our V Conference with Mass presided by Fr. Matthew Ouma. He encouraged us to be in harmony with the General Chapter celebrated last year in Brazil and with the Continental meeting celebrated in Sagana at the beginning of this year.

In the afternoon, after a nice lunch prepared by the Sisters of the Pax Christi Pastoral Centre where we are holding our meeting, there was an input from Fr. Anthony Egan S.J. on the history of the Church in South Africa and the Challenges of our Church today.

In the evening, the time to choose our moderators and secretaries came. Even though we are few, the elections became more complicated than what we were expecting, and more voting papers had to be improvised while the cap of Fr. Carlos served to deposit the votes.

{mosimage} Frs Anthony Kazibwe and Ze Martins were elected moderators and Frs. Carlos Domingos and Reuben Kanake were elected secretaries. After this we went to rest.

09 May 2006
Today the Mass was presided by Fr. Rocco Marra, who invited us to see St. Barnabas as a model of Consolation and to be in communion with the priests who worked here before: those who are now working in other countries, those that are sick and those who have been called by the Heavenly Father.

After breakfast, we met to share the reports about our parishes which we prepared for this conference. Some had been well prepared but some answered the questions briefly. Fr. Ouma asked us to write down in our free time a better report for him so that he could take them to Rome.

{mosimage} During the sharing of the reports, some conclusions started to emerge somehow "before time". Fr. Ouma asked us not to go so far, and the expression of “do not cross the bridge before we reach it” came out. So, we continued with the sharing, having in mind that the time was running out and there were still many other many things to do. The feeling was: "Please… Hurry up!"

Among the discussions that came out, was the need for us all to be transparent on the way the way budgets are made. And, of course, the MAVP had its voice also in this sharing. Fr. Rocco challenged us on how to build a better future for this aspect of our identity in our Delegation.

10 May 2006

The morning is cold, and all the missionaries are coming down to church. The Mass was presided by Fr. George Massa, who, in his reflection, recognizes the work done by Barnabas and Paul, and this becomes an example for our missionary animation here in South Africa.

{mosimage} At nine, we started our session without the presence of one of our secretaries (Fr. Carlos Domingos), who had to visit the doctor and get some vitamin "C". Fr. Ze, invited us to go again through yesterday’s reports and after a few minutes, bring some conclusions.

After the coffee break, we were divided in groups to study the working paper, together with the conclusions that just came.

In the afternoon, we came to share the work done in the morning. The reflection didn’t go so far, specially when we reached the point of community life and about what the chapter is indicating (living in communities of three missionaries). In order to do so we will have to close some missions, even if some confreres were not very happy or disagree with this. Fr. Ouma had to call the attention of us all, adding that we do not have the right to change the decisions taken by the General Chapter and the continental meeting, We have to obey the rules. So, we were sent again to work in the same groups and bring clear proposals.

Finally we reach some decisions, even if we had to work an extra hour during the night: we will close Osizweni and Pretoria by 2008. This, of course, caused pain to most of us.
Last modified on Saturday, 07 February 2015 20:50

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