Ethiopia: Wonji Mission in Panic

Published in I missionari dicono
(Photos: Wonji)

{mosimage} Wonji is located in Oromia Region, one of the regional states of the Federal Democratic of Ethiopia. From Addis Abeba, the Capital City, Wonji is situated in South East and almost 110 kilometers. It is also in Administrative zone of East Shoa (Arsi) and in Adama Woreda(Nazareth).

The climate of Wonji is mostly arid and semi-arid. The weather is usually hot during day time and cold during night in summer season. Sometimes it is also too cold during night. In Wonji, we have 9 months of sunshine and only 3 months of rainfall that is from June to August. That is the period which is characterising us at the moment.

The presence and growth of the Wonji Mission with the population of about 50 000 is due to the presence of the Sugar Estate Plantation, which has two Sugar Factories, one Sweets Factory and another Paper Factory. The workers of the plantation, of the Factories and the seasonal workers belong to different nationalities.

Apart from the flat plain of the Sugar Plantation and of the Wonji Mission, which stand at 1500 m. above sea level, the surrounding area of Wonji is a mountainous and semi-deserted region being part of the Ethiopian Rift Valley, reaching an altitude of 1800 m above sea level.

The Government does not supply the Wonji Mission with potable water even up to now. The underground water of Wonji Mission has and highly percentage of fluorine and this causes sickness to the bones of the people. It was the Wonji Catholic Church, which is run by the Consolata Missionaries, with the help of some different organizations who started the project for giving potable water to the Wonji population having drilled 2 boreholes close to the Awash River and pumped the water for 2 km. up to the highest hill of the town and then by gravity distributing the water in different water point distribution. The beneficiaries are almost 18 600.

Since the rainy season is causing so many damages to the country, at the moment the Wonji Mission is in panic as the level of the Awash River is getting higher and can cause a flood. In the history of Wonji Mission, 10 years ago, it was visited by a flood which caused a catastrophe for the people. Suddenly, yesterday, one program was broadcast by The Ethiopian National Television saying that people who are living around Awash River have to be careful because of the high level of the water and there is a possibility to be visited by a catastrophe. From that time, all the people of Wonji Mission started looking for the way either to escape the mission or to protect their properties. All the people are not happy since they got that say. They are leaving their homes to seek refuge from the flood. Most of our Christians regarded the Church as a refuge from the outside world. At the moment, all the people of Wonji Mission are experiencing high levels of anxiety. In addition to that, in three days, we are supposed to celebrate the Annual Feast of our Church. Hope to be protected by our Mother, The Consolata, and our Founder, Joseph Allamano.
Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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