Kenya: “Family dull day”

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}It is barely a year since a story was written on illegal demolition of structures at Deep Sea slum. On the wee hours of the 25th September 2005, a group of about 100 hired youth and a city council bulldozer were on a mission to flatten the largest informal settlement in Consolata Shrine Parish. More than 200 structures and property worth thousands of shillings were destroyed.

The terror, disorder and pandemonium that engulfed the village provided an opportunity for looters to grab whatever valuable item they came across: household items, food stuff, children clothes including school uniforms, beddings, furniture and even money.

The same scenario was replicated on the morning of 3rd December 2006. However, this time there were no bulldozers or hired youth. Some ill- intentioned villagers had conspired with some wealthy individuals after having been lured with the power of money to carefully plan how to start a fire at a time when everyone was unsuspecting. Never mind that it was on a Sunday morning when I was busy nourishing some of the villagers with the word of God at the church. Even “faithfuls” in the Apostolic prayer house just next to the hut where the arsonists executed their mission could not sense the evil one. After all, most previous fire or demolition incidences happen at night. Ironically, it was the annual family fun day which is usually organized by the socials committee of the parish. Immediately after the 10.30 a.m. Mass, I was busy interacting with parishioners as I braced myself for the big day ahead.

Little did I know that it would turn out to be a “family dull day” at Deep Sea. I received the news of the fire with shock and sadness since the people in this village have suffered a lot in the hands of local community leaders and administrators. As a Parish Priest, I have the responsibility of protecting life hence I requested some parishioners to accompany me to Deep Sea so that we could register our solidarity and offer any other help.

Fortunately, the fire brigade responded swiftly and managed to put off the inferno but after it had gutted down more than 40 houses. One of the arsonists had mischievously attempted to show up at the crime scene. The offended villagers were deeply enraged by his presence so much that they were all craving for his blood. A neutral observer would not have restrained himself to say a little prayer for the poor guy as the angry mob descended on him with all sorts of crude weapons. His dear life was saved by the police on patrol. As if this was not enough, there was another fire after two days. This second attempt happened in the wee hours of Wednesday 6th December. Again, the enemies were not successful since the villagers had been keeping vigil after the alleged arsonists issued numerous threats. All these events were conspired and implemented amid several reports and pleas to the local police station to provide security to the residents.

The crux of the matter is that Deep Sea is a prime land that attracts many business minded developers. They all desire to acquire the land but they do not follow legal procedures to achieve the objective. Using fire and demolitions to evict poor Kenyans from where they have lived for a record 30 years is to be totally unjust. It is an undesirable act that has disastrous effect on the residents. The result is internal displacement that finally leads to increased violence, insecurity, loss of livelihoods and consequently escalates poverty. Land grabbing, forced evictions and demolitions of this nature are in breach of well-established international norms and laws.

In our effort to help reduce poverty in the communities of Deep Sea, Suswa and Masai slums, Consolata Shrine Parish has been running projects in Education, Health and economic Empowerment. The results have been encouraging in terms of improving the people’s dignity. We are therefore concerned that all what parishioners and other well-wishers have invested for the sake of fellow brothers and sisters is being put at risk. Those mentioned to have conspired this illegal activity must refrain from aggravating the situation by further participating in malpractices that have contributed to this crisis. If anyone has a genuine case, it is better to address it to the relevant authorities and let the innocent people live at peace.

I must acknowledge the support of the parishioners who availed themselves for solidarity with our suffering brothers and sisters. I cannot forget to thank Hon. Betty Tett, Nairobi PC and other government officials who heeded to the cry of people at their time of need. Let us all pray that as we celebrate the joy of Christmas, peace may prevail in the communities of Deep Sea, Suswa and Masai.

Merry Christmas & a happy and blessed 2007
Last modified on Saturday, 07 February 2015 20:51

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