Ethiopia: Malaria Prevention and Control in Wonji Mission

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}In Wonji and surroundings nowadays, Malaria is one of the leading causes of illness and death, both among children aged less than five years and in the general population. Fewer than five Children are particularly at greater risk of suffering from or dying of malaria due to the lack of enough defences against malaria.

Sharing to one UNICEF ‘s member regarding Malaria, and to the best of my knowledge, a child who has got malaria may also get other heath problems, such as less blood in the body (anaemia), brain damage and increased risk of other infections.

Pregnant women and their unborn babies are also at great risk of malaria, which endangers both the heath of the mother and the baby. Malaria in pregnancy can result in problems such as miscarriage and abortion, the baby being born dead or too early.

At the same time, the pregnant women are also at risk of anaemia, which makes the women very weak and can damage the growth of the baby.

Actually, Malaria is caused by a bite from an infected mosquito that had previously bitten a person with malaria. You may ask yourselves of the facts about the mosquito that carries malaria. It is true that the mosquitoes need water to breed. In some areas of Ethiopia, such as in Wonji, etc… conditions for mosquito breeding are available throughout the year, such as warm weather. In Wonji particularly, the mosquito is able to breed continuously and to transmit malaria throughout the year.

We realize that many people are suffering from malaria and the treatment costs families a lot of money. They have to pay not only for medicine and clinic fees, but transport to the clinic and food etc…People who have paid work can’t go to work, Children sick with malaria miss school… Therefore, Malaria’s prevention becomes a duty of every family, to contribute to the development of the community. With the support of CRS (Catholic Relief Services), we heightened the population awareness of that disaster, providing the people with more than 1500 insecticide-treated mosquito nets to prevent against malaria.

May Our Lady, Consolata, keep on protecting our people and us! Amen.
Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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