Kenya: Tangaza Cultural Day

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}The music could be heard from afar, and every time the wind blew towards our house everybody wished he were already there. The day was Saturday 10th November. It was on this day that the Tangaza College cultural day was to be held. We had just finished our breakfast at 8:00 am and now everybody was busy performing his morning cleaning duties as fast as possible, since the event could start any time and the music from the next compound was more than beckoning.

Although the cultural event, which was aimed at celebrating the cultural diversity in the college, was to start at 9:00 AM, the music was up as early as at 8:00 AM. We did our chores as fast as we could and at half past nine we were at the college. People were moving up and down, obviously discussing different issues as the organizers ensured that everything was okay for a smooth kick off.


At a quarter to eleven the event started with a word of prayer, and soon after the presentation of flags of the different countries whose citizens are studying at Tangaza was done by the particular students/citizens. Each group not only presented their flag, but also explained in brief the meaning of the colour(s) in the flag, and also the meanings of any symbols on it. At half past eleven the presentations of different items prepared by each group started, and a hilarious Eritrean dance became the first item to open the floor. Soon after, the South Americans followed with salsa and other host of goodies, after whom the Indians came with a dance. Joy could literary be seen in the faces of the people, as each country did its best to outdo the previous. Through the event we managed to criss-cross from Africa to Asia, from Europe to America and from America to Australia. By the time we went for lunch, people were still yearning for more.

For the next sixty minutes, we took our lunch of snacks at the same place, as the Tangaza Music Band entertained us. At half past two we were back in action with a Maasai dance opening the floor. A certain dance from Poland followed and soon again we were lost in the in the maze of cultural diversity as more and more presentation were made.


It was at four that the invited guest musician came. The young man, known by the stage-name of Pilipili (which is a Swahili word for pepper), almost brought down the hall. We could guess why he had landed on that rather strange stage-name – his performance was electrifying. For the next sixty minutes, songs were sung along, hands were clapped, and hips swayed from one direction to the next. It may sound ridiculous, but believe me happiness and joy were integrated.

It was at five that the curtails of the whole event came down, sending us home to go to prepare for the following day’s pastoral activities.



Last modified on Saturday, 07 February 2015 21:53

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