Ethiopia: Is Protestantism the main Challenge for us?

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}This sharing results from the daily complaints of several priests, sisters, Confreres and my own experience in the mission. It is not by hearsay. If you don’t mind, I beg you to not find this reflection exaggerated and superfluous. It is our own experiences in the fields of mission. We are eyewitnesses. First of all, what is this, Protestantism? By definition, Protestantism is a Christian religious movement originating in the 16th century from Martin Luther’s attack on Roman Catholic doctrine. It grew to encompass many churches and denominations denying papal authority and believing in justification by faith.

Currently, when there is a talk or workshop on the pastoral; pastors, sisters, and pastoral coordinators are complaining about the outcome of the Protestantism. In most of the dioceses or Vicariates, particularly in Meki Vicariate where we are well involved, we are attending different groups of Christians in our parishes or missions. There is a group of Christians who are 100% Catholics; group of 50% Catholic faith and 50% Protestant faith. Some, maybe 10% Catholic faith and 90% protestant faith; etc… They are all called Catholics. Every day, many Catholics rub shoulders with Protestants. It creates confusion and the faith identity of some of the Catholics becomes unknown. In the morning, they are in the Eucharistic Celebration. In the afternoon, they are seen again in Protestant Church. Several questions come into my mind, such as what is the cause of that exodus? Is it the culture? That’s beside the point. What can be the main reason of the movement from Catholicism to Protestantism?

I would kindly like to underline some brief aspects.

Cultural aspect: Ethiopians have cultural diversities. They are very proud of their cultures as someone else in this world. They consider them as the best and God’s gift. Each culture tries to value itself for enriching the country. For example, the obligations of the tribes regarding respect; marriage…; the dances; artistic work; food; etc…

Economical aspect: Recalling the political, social histories of Ethiopia, the country went through several crises. It affects a lot life of the people. Many Children are orphans; some families without job. Economical aspect is very precarious in some places. It is very easy to discover the aftermath in the mission’s field.

Religious aspect: In Ethiopia, a good number of the people believe in God. The Orthodoxies are the majority and look staunch. Secondly are the Muslims. Thirdly are the Protestants. The Catholics are compared to a ‘Crumb’. There is a fact that in one family for example, it is very difficult to find all of them belonging to one or the same religion. If parents are Protestants, children are either orthodoxies or Catholics. Or if parents are Catholics, children are either Protestants or Orthodoxies. Few of them belong to the same religion. We get used to live in that way. There are also lots of Catholics who are following the obligations of the two religions at the same moment. It means that their weekdays are scheduled according to Catholic and Protestant programs. In some days they are following Catholic ceremonies or programs, and in other days they are in the Protestants. Let me call them ‘Catholics-Protestants’. Our Churches are full of them. That diversity in faith damages the reputation of the Catholics. After the programs, most of those Christians, back to the Catholic Church, want to experience the same as they found, saw and did in protestant churches. They are also influencing a lot others. Every week they are making that movement from Catholics to Protestants. It is so easy to discover them. A simple example during the faithful prayers in Eucharistic time, that sort of people like to pray for 30 minutes even 45’, as pray the Protestants… Imagine if they are 5 or 6 people! At what time the Eucharist will finish if we allow all of them to follow this way? They are completely different from the Charismatic people. Pastors have repeatedly tried their best to teach them the Catholic catechism. In addition to that, many talks have been given in most of the Parishes to all the faithful by several experts-Guests on those issues. But, as general outcome, their efforts were in vain. It is very serious issue and becomes the daily battle of the majority of Parishes. So far in Vicariate level, nothing has been organized. We keep on facing it. You may think or say that is the ecumenical dialogue. It’s far from it.

Actually, at first sight the Protestantism is growing very swift. The daily experience is showing how much the Protestantism has the super power on the people through the media. On TV for example, most of the religious songs; films are made by the Protestants. They are producing many cassettes, videos, doing advertising campaigns for their faith. According to me, the Protestantism has more understood the practical and current situation of the people here in Ethiopia. The leaders of the Protestants are stimulating their faithful to recognize the church as theirs. They rely on their own efforts. They are taking care of their churches, pastors and each other by their own contributions. They share their burden together; meeting and giving the space to express each other. The Protestantism has got the psychology of the people. Things are maybe not occurring often for Catholics. We need to look at it and make some changes on our way to evangelize. Here in Ethiopia, it is known that the Catholic Church, in particular the International Congregations have economical power, which means money. It is also true that we are supporting the people: scholarship; funding buildings; projects; gifts; etc…Let us take it as charity… Maybe some people have been attracted by materialistic help and not by religion, or faith. Seemingly they look Catholics; actually they belong to other religions. When they got what they needed from us, they disappeared. They can’t be seen in the Catholic Church anymore. We know it. This is the time to make Christians understand that the Church is theirs and they cannot financially rely on us, Missionaries for ever. Could we say the workshop done on pastoral some weeks ago was enough for us IMC to tackle the problem? Should we start wars against other religions due to the “spiritual wondering” of some Christians?

In a brief conclusion, there is no need to fight each other or making Jihad. Ethiopians by their nature are religious people. We need to behave as good shepherd. I believe that the people follow and will follow what we tell and show them. It is true the Protestantism is one of the current challenges for the evangelization. This is the time which the ecumenical dialogue should be imposed. In that matter, prudence is needed. We do not need the quantity, but the quality of Christians. Those who freely accept the catholic faith, follow, respect and remain faithful. Each period has its own characteristics, realities. Nowadays, Protestantism seems to be a challenge, maybe in few years time, it will not be the case. Do not loose heart, be patient and God will continue the rest. But, is not possible for us to get some good lessons from Protestantism for our daily evangelization?

Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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