Tanzania: We are IMC postulants now!

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}The 22nd December of last year, was on Saturday; it was the day that marked our new step in our vocational journey as Consolata Missionaries to be. One day before we had a recollection which was to prepare us for the event, Fr. Baccanelli the Regional superior of Tanzania was our recollection master. On the day itself he (the Regional Superior) during the Eucharist Celebration, he accepted and received us as Postulants of IMC. Two days before he had had a dialogue with each one of us through which he also accepted our request of entering the Postulancy period which also marks our preparation for the Novitiate.

I still remember that it was on the 1st of October 2004 when we booked a ticket to Consolata Missionaries. We joined the prepadeutical year here in Allamano seminary Morogoro. We were eleven (11) in numbers with only one member missing to make the 12 apostles of Jesus. We began our journey with Fr. Dido (IMC) to accompany us because it was not a joke, many things happened as we struggled to grow and understand more about the congregation, the founder and the Charism above all deepening our motivations for God’s Call. At that time of our entrance, we were a bit worried, we were not sure whether we would make it, but he (Fr. Didone’) would always insist “be courageous.”

We had to encourage one another, though there were ups and downs, the corrugations were uneasy to cross but with the help of God and our Lady Consolata we have made it.

The words of our founder, “ I rejoice with you that you have been strong in your determination which has already been victorious against many external assaults,” gives us more courage to step ahead as we enter the period of preparing ourselves for another important stage of formation; the NOVITIATE.

As I mentioned earlier, we were eleven when we started this journey and so far two of us have left already. So, we are now 9 postulants; Damian Mushi, Didas Kibobera, Joachim Credo, George Mapunda, Heradius Mbeyela, Paulo Msilimo, Samson Mwang’amba, Thomas Mushi and Yohani Kalisti.

We sincerely thank God, our families, the Consolata missionaries, benefactors and friends for all their support they have been giving us so that we may continue well in this pursuit of the God’s call. This call is a call to be Consolata Missionaries in saving God and his people.

As we are also five months from completing the Philosophy Course, six months from entering the Novitiate stage, we ask you all to continue praying for us that we may last in the same spirit continuously embracing the strongest zeal to step ahead without giving up.

The seedlings that Fr. George Kibura the former Vocation Director of Tanzania, planted on the 1st of October 2004 are growing well despite shortcomings that are unavoidable in life circle, the formators are doing their best in taking care of these seedlings, irrigating them, pruning them, applying insecticides, fertilizers and manure, but also weeding. And God the absolute care giver has been blessing their work. Our Lady Consolata and her son Jesus have been seeing us through in time of bad weather and attack by disease. Blessed Joseph Allamano himself has been reminding our Lady daily “This is your seedbed” May these seedlings grow to reach their full maturity and start bearing fruits, fruits that will last. It is time true and no longer a dream, “WE ARE IMC POSTULANTS NOW!

Last modified on Saturday, 07 February 2015 21:50

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