First International Pastoral Meeting for the Homeless

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}Rome – Italy: 26th and 27th November 2007.

After the International Pastoral Meeting on Street Children held in 2004, and that on the “Women of the Street” in 2005, the Pontifical Council of the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People called a special international meeting on the Homeless.

The president, Card. Raffaele Martino, and the general Secretary Arch. Agostino Marchetto organized the meeting on the Homeless as the last task of the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People.

The meeting was held in the Palazzo San Callisto in Rome on the 26th and 27th November 2007. Representatives came from all over the globe - from Europe: Italy, Holland, England and Ireland; from Africa: Mozambique, Zimbabwe, RDC and Liberia; from South America: Brazil and Argentina; from North America: The United States and Canada; from the East: India and Giapon; from South Africa: Sr. Anthonia Jane Mbuyane FIC representing the SACBC and Fr. Foccoli Tarcisio IMC representing the LCCL (SA).

A report from all the attendees had been sent prior to the meeting to the office. The first question that was posed was: Who are the homeless? The answer -: Those who have no home address. The report from South Africa mentioned that in spite of the government’s efforts to build houses, there are still at present over four million homeless people. The report emphasized the inadequate sizes of the Mandela houses, their closeness being the source of more criminal activities. To the question: What initiatives has the church set in motion to cope with the problem of the homeless, on a national, as well as diocesan and a parish parochial levels? The answer was: Ti date there are not structures in place to assist the homeless. From a survey I undertook in Pretoria, I found that certain religious congregations are involve in feeding schemes, skills training and the handing out of second hand clothing to the very poor living in abject conditions. The 2007-2008 Catholic Directory produced by the SACBC does not identify any programme in this regard. It is left to the Bishop of a particular diocese to become involved in such project.

A touching report was tabled by the Sisters of Charity from India.

All participants agreed that the meeting had been a success. However, a great deal of further organization is needed in order for the homeless to feel the benefit of being taken care of. This task should reflect the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, Apostolicam Actuositatem, n.8 where it is written: “It is imperative also that the freedom and dignity of the person being helped be respected with the utmost consideration, that the purity of one's charitable intentions be not stained by seeking one's own advantage or by striving for domination, and especially that the demands of justice be satisfied lest the giving of what is due in justice be represented as the offering of a charitable gift. Not only the effects but also the causes of these ills must be removed and the help be given in such a way that the recipients may gradually be freed from dependence on outsiders and become self-sufficient”.

A final document will be sent by the office to the entire Bishop’s Conferences.

Documento finale in italiano

Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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