Kenya: Consolata wins Tangaza Cup

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage} The crowd exploded again. Everybody was excited and the cheering was growing wilder despite the presence of a hospital near by. The game had been going on for some time, and no score seemed forth-coming. Every time the footballers neared the goal of the opponents, the cheering squad of the particular team went mad. It was in the 26th minute when Dawit, a Consolata player shot a fiery shot of the ball towards the goalkeeper of the Conventual Franciscans, eventually shaking the net, and leaving the man numb with shame. The crowd exploded again, almost shaking the play-ground. It was sympathetic to see the opponent shrink with disappointment as the referee called the players to align themselves in their respective positions for another start.

It was 4th March and the event was the final match of the Tangaza Cup matches. Consolata team was playing against the Conventuals, on the grounds of Don Bosco Missionaries near Karen hospital, and as expected, the match was explosive as ever. In the previous matches, most of the teams had complained about what the Consolatas called family spirit. You see, the matches were meant for (were claimed to be meant for) only Tangaza students, but the Consolatas had insisted that their institute was not just a conglomeration of individuals with a common spiritual goal, but a family. This for them meant that they felt obliged to play with their younger brothers- philosophical students. Since the combination had proved to be tough, strong and determined, many teams in Tangaza, most of which included different missionary institutes put together, felt threatened by the Consolata fraternity. This explained why they were so determined to see them defeated. Their efforts had however been continuously thwarted, as Consolata beat Capspiro ( Capuchins and Spiritans) six goals against five in the quarter finals on 26th February, and also the Comboni four goals against their one in the semi-finals on 29th February.


The second round of the game went platonic as the Conventuals placed a classic goal against the Consolatas. You can imagine the rejoicing among the Conventuals fraternity. For a moment, the match paused as the players celebrated their goal. Their musically active cheering squad could not be touched. The Consolata could not imagine losing the trophy they had been holding for a year since the last Tangaza Cup, but their efforts to score the winning goal went in vain when the referee blew the last whistle bringing the match to a draw. Since the match had to offer a winner, the teams were called for penalties, and everybody went tense as it was obvious that the outcome was no longer predictable.


Having been lucky to have swift players, but having been not so lucky in having a weak goalkeeper, the Conventuals saw Consolatas scoring all their penalties. The Consolatas saw their victory as Joseph Mutinda their goal-keeper acrobatically flew with the ball every time the Conventuals shot their hot penalties. Eventually, reality declared Consolatas winners, beating the Conventuals and therefore all Tangaza four scores against their feeble two. This saw the sons of Allamano leave the field animated, thrilled and energized, for a greater banquet at home.
Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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