Brasil: Renewal of Temporary Vows

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}On the 7th of November 2008, Friday, it was a very especial day even if the day broke up as usual. It is time of spring here in Brazil and the environment is all-welcoming, as it is the nature of the season. The same mood of the season was perceived in our seminary today. In the start of the semester, this day was foreseen and set apart for the renewal of the evangelical counsels. The morning went on as usual with normal classes in our respective universities of theology – The “ITESP” and the “EDT”, as they are abbreviated here in the country.

Then came the ripe session of recollection and reflection before the renewal of the temporary vows. Our recollection was directed by Fr. Lirio Gerardi, the regional superior of Brazil.

On his reflection, he stressed about the nature of religious life as a perfection and continuation of the consecration, which we receive during our baptism, and which in a particular way, unites us with the mystery of death and resurrection of Christ. The regional superior urged us to live this sublime vocation following the example of the first community of the disciples, united with Mary and persevering in pray. (cf. Acts 1, 14). On the apex of his reflection, the superior said on a convincing ton that our only example to imitate when we want to live an obedient, chaste and poor life is Christ. The superior added that we should be totally ready to serve God, the church and our brothers and sisters if we want to fulfill the mission of evangelization to the whole world and be witnesses of life, truth and spirit of God. On the other hand, the superior urged us to learn to read the signs of the time and to take care not to fall in the greatest vie of attachment. He cited the attachment to the means of communication as one of the greatest vice, which is killing community life in most of our communities. After the brief reflection together, the regional superior invited each one to have a personal reflection and to feel free to have a personal sharing with him.

Later in the evening, the moment most waited arrived. The celebration of the renewal of the vows in the celebration of the mass. All was beautiful; with all the music you can imagine – form Africa, America, Asia, and Europe, only to cite a few. During the celebration, all the 17 students of theology renewed their temporary vows for 13 months. Besides the renewal of vows, four of the students received the ministry of the reader and one received the ministry of the acolyte.

Among the priests co-presidents were Frs. Elio Rama and Luis Emer, the formators of the seminary and, Frs. Jaime Patias and José Tolfo, vice regional superior and counselor respectively.

All was done and the community saw that was very good: we renewed our consecration and we promised to continue living in good faith this sublime vocation.

May our Lady Consolata and our blessed founder help us to see the best fruits of this divine call.

Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29
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