Kenya: The renewal of vows

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}"Come my brothers praise the Lord…" the choir master started the entrance hymn exactly as we had expected. We had prepared for the occasion a whole week and we could not afford to ruin it with poor singing. Intuitively, each of us found his voice and the whole assembly was electrified with hymn after hymn. The two communities rhymed so well that you could have thought that they were actually one community.

The day was Saturday 8th November and the Allamano community was visiting the Regional House community. Two members of the Allamano community, Charles Karoki and Fernando Narupaca, were to renew their vows. The event started exactly at eleven, with Fr. Frank Cellana, the regional superior, (who had just arrived from Rome where he took part in the Consulta), presided the Mass assisted by Fr. Joya, Fr. Pendawazima, Fr. Bellagamba among others.

Fr. Cellana, after conveying the greetings of the general council, went on to explain the relevance of the renewal of vows for us as religious, just as setting and reviewing of resolutions for any serious Christian. He presented the renewal of vows as a re-dedication of one's heart, mind, and energy for the service of God through his people and therefore in and through the Church. He challenged everyone present to reinvigorate our spiritual dimension following the example of St. Paul who had been identified as a great model for missionaries by both the universal Church and our institute. Fr. Cellana expressed his optimism that although the institute is facing new realities with the changing times, he is sure that, with the zeal like St. Paul, we would be able to do great.


The Mass went on till half past noon, when we took the opportunity to socialize before finding our way to the dining room where delicacies were "waiting" us. The environment was so cordial that pretty soon each was mingling with everybody else in a spirit of fraternity and happiness. One student of Allamano community was in fact heard wishing that the seminary could be relocated to the regional house.


The Allamano community expressed its gratitude to the  Regional superior for accepting the renewal of the vows of two of our brothers, to Fr. Tobias and Fr. Martinelli for the excellent preparation, which included the banquet. It was at two that the visit ended, making the energized young men of Allamano house leave to go and prepare for their pastoral work the following day.
Last modified on Saturday, 07 February 2015 21:42

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