Tanzania: We are in union with fr. Alexiuus Lipingu

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}"Our Community will always be composed of the living and the dead, this union will never be broken; it will continue even in heaven, we do not forget our departed confreres, we pray for them everyday. We dedicate one day during the month of November to the memory of all those who have preceded us. We recall their faith, their example, communion of life and apostolic commitment." (Consolata prayer book, 209)

Remembering the departed shows union between us and them, our founder Blessed Joseph Allamano made it clear that, the departed confreres are part of us, we make one community one family even in Heaven. The congregation also ask us to remember our confreres at least to have one day in the month of November. On the 15th of November this year when we were remembering our departed confreres, here in Allamano Seminary Morogoro, we had Mass and we prayed for all our family members who had departed. During the Mass I remembered that Fr. Alexius Lipingu Died on November, then I was touched by this memory, it seems as if God wanted us not to forget him but to remember him always.

We are still in Union with him through his works he has done in South Africa. As a South African who study here in his home place, Tanzania. I feel more connected with him, I remember his Homilies which he used to deliver with lot of Joy and energy. I remember during that time he came to Madadeni, he greeted all of us who were there without even knowing us it was like he knew us long ago, he made jokes and lot of noise, he was smiling withou any end. I also rember that he came to Madadeni with his catechists it was like he wanted to give us farewell. He is really blessed he died while he was at the service of the Lord, with his family members, even though it was so painful to here such news, but the Lord wanted him not to spoil the information and teachings from Lumko, he wanted them to come with such gospel in Heaven.  

As I was reading his memory card, They chose some verses from the letter of St. PAul to the Phillipians 4:4-5. "Always be joyful in the Lord, I repeat be Joyful the Lord is near" These words are like he is the one who said them because he was always joyful, full of smile. Well it is our duty who experienced his teachings and his life to continue this gospel through our lives.

Our Founder said "How beautiful Life is in the community when, in the evening, after reciting the martyrology we say, <<Tomorrow is the annniversary of the death of companion...>> (SL 639) I repeat almost the same words of our founder by saying <<On Sunday the 23rd of November is the anniversary of the death of fr. Alexius Lipingu>> Let us rember him in our prayers and also pray for those who died with him.  

Mandla Makhanya
Allamano Seminary Morogoro-TANZANIA
Last modified on Saturday, 07 February 2015 21:42

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