Ethiopia: From italy to Gambo mission

Published in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}“O Father, you gather your people from all nations of the earth in the unity of a single Spirit; - grant that, faithful to our mission, we may always share the joys and hopes of all the people and be the leaven and soul of the world.” (Prayer for Missionary Work from Consolata Prayer Book, p. 33)

Four months ago since they arrived in Ethiopia from Italy. As always says the African adage: “when you go to a place for the first time, and you realize that people are dancing start from the right leg, as a guest, you have to do the same for surviving”.

That’s exactly what our two friends and Consolata lays did. At the first sight, their starting point was the language. They were so keen on communicating with the local people. Our two friends realized themselves that without the local language, life will be sometimes difficult for them. After their arrival in Addis Abeba, instead of being wanderlust, they proved their deep desire of mission in concentrating more on the study of the language. Bravi Fabio and Emanuela! I also believe with them that language is one of the main ways of communication. The mission has its own realities. We don’t absolutely need to follow the process of acculturation but at least enculturation if possible. What does it mean? Acculturation is simply a change in the cultural behaviour and thinking of a person or group of people through contact with another culture. Or the process by which somebody absorbs the culture of a society from birth onward. Contrary to enculturation, this is shortly the gradual acceptance of another culture. As a missionary from other countries, we need at least to follow the second process which helps us to push successfully ahead the mission. That’s the method chosen by our friends Fabio and Emanuela. During their stay in Addis Abeba, the capital city, they spent their time learning Oromo. Some days ago, they were delighted to finish their course of Oromo language and to head for Gambo mission. By profession, Fabio and Emanuela are both Engineers. They have a lot to contribute for Gambo mission. Looking at their faces while they are in Gambo, they are so happy, even thrilled. Great Fabio and Emanuela!

Enjoy your missionary work! May our Mother, Consolata, be with you! Amen.
Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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