Published in I missionari dicono

On the 9th day, Fr. Paul Muriithi presented to the assembly the System of Administration of the Institute. Fr. Muriithi begun his sharing by noting that the even the administrative aspect should be considered as an act of discipleship and service to the poor to whom Jesus sends us ( Luke 4:18). Fr. Muriithi continued to observe that like Jesus, we too are consecrated and sent to announce the good news of liberty to the poor. We who claim to be his disciples must choose to be close to the poor as Jesus himself did.

On the 9th day, Fr. Paul Muriithi presented to the assembly the System of Administration of the Institute. Fr. Muriithi begun his sharing by noting that the even the administrative aspect should be considered as an act of discipleship and service to the poor to whom Jesus sends us ( Luke 4:18). Fr. Muriithi continued to observe that like Jesus, we too are consecrated and sent to announce the good news of liberty to the poor. We who claim to be his disciples must choose to be close to the poor as Jesus himself did.

Fr. Muriithi continued to define the poor as the most abandoned in our society to include the victims of war and injustices, victims of natural disasters like floods, famine, earthquakes, the victims of incurable diseases like AIDS and the voiceless in the society. These are the ones to whom we have decided to renounce the possession of the material things through the vow of poverty in order to raise them out of their situation of misery. The figure of Jesus, who was rich, but opted to be poor for the liberation of humanity should be kept in our daily meditation. We should not therefore forget that all that comes into our hands through the Divine providence is meant not only for the satisfaction of the needs of the missionaries themselves but also for the poor in the mission.

Since many things have been discussed already in the previous meeting regarding the questions of Divine providence, administration and the need of the permission of the superior in taking economical decisions, significance of accountability, pocket money, respect of the donor’s intention, self sustaining projects etc., Fr. Muriithi reminded the assembly that any economical activity must adhere to the civil and canonical rules together with those of the IMC congregation.

Fr. Muriithi continued to share with the assembly the norms of administration reminding all present that after the first profession, one is bode by the vow of poverty which demands a number of elements if we are live poverty as Consolatas namely:

  • The use of money and material things should always be done from the permission of the superior

  • Permission should be granted first in the use of patrimonial goods.

  • Before the final vows the candidate should give a declaration indicating what he wish concerning the goods he will have after in case of his death. This declaration can be changed later.

  • All the administrators are answerable to their superiors

  • Our style of life should show in concrete and visible ways the actualization of the vow of poverty in our daily lives.

After the giving of the norms of administration, Fr. Muriithi proceeded to illustrated the principles of administration as follows:

  • Administration is the collection of all the operations done for the increase or decrease of the patrimony

  • Patrimony is the grouping of the active and passive assets

  • Accountability is the collection of registrations of management in a determined activity

  • We have ordinary administration; (maintenance and the running of an institution) and extraordinary administration (investments etc in the regional level etc)

  • The institute represented by the general superior has the right of ownership of the property

  • All the goods exist in the name of the institute

  • We have the general, regional and local administrators

  • The accounts of the institute: are done with a principle of simplicity and uniformity, IMC use the account of double parts, before new operations each administration should present to the superior the balance sheets for approval. The financial reports or the balance sheets should be accompanied by all the receipts, mass offerings should be indicated

  • The accounts and administration should be done in a way that they can facilitate easily the audit

  • Specific audit or inspection is done by the regional superior

  • All the economical operations should respect the civil and canonical laws, as well as those of the institute.

Fr. Muriithi then concluded his sharing by giving some concrete pedagogical means and ways through which we can begin approaching the IMC administrative system in our houses of formation. He invited all the formators to stimulate the young men in formation through concrete gestures such as allowing the students to manage the common fund, giving aid to special situations of difficulty, conduct parts of retreats or courses depending on their preparation, etc. The seminarians should be invited to participate responsibly in preparing budgets, in buying whatever the seminary needs, and in the accounting for it. This will help them see the economic dimension as something that is part of their lives, and not as something foreign. It would be good for seminarians to work during their holidays: as servants, waiters, house painters, farmers etc. in order to contribute to the expenses of the seminary. Even when seminarians cannot pay for their education in the seminary, it would be good to ask them for a small financial contribution. The young man should keep in mind that he is receiving from others, and therefore should also contribute something.

Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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