Published in I missionari dicono
Here we are! On Sunday 30th May, 2010 Frs. Franco Cellana, Cometto Lorenzo, Br. Lukungu Clarence and Fr. Jean-Marie Bilwala joined our confreres Frs. Stephen Murage and Lucas Ogola for the farewell of Fr. Stephen Murage. The two Confreres do their missionary work in Githurai Catholic Parish. Githurai is one of Nairobi’s outskirts, around 12Km from the main capital city centre.  The Githurai Parish is under Nairobi archdiocese jurisdiction. The IMC have been working there since 1999.  Fr. Stephen Murage served as the Parish Priest from 2007 to 30th May, 2010. The Holy Mass was presided over by Fr. Stephen Murage, and preached by Fr. Franco Cellana. In his homily, Fr. Cellana Franco thanked Fr. Stephen Murage for whatever done in that parish and informed the whole assembly if you would allow me to quote Fr. Cellana Franco
“Fr. Stephen Murage has been promoted to the Regional Administrator. For the time being, Fr. Lucas Ogola is the in-charge Priest of Githurai IMC Catholic Parish accompanied by the Parish councillors.” The Eucharist started at 9:30 and finished around 2:27. We were all flabbergasted by the presence and commitment of the Holy Mary Mother of God Parish Christians. Thousands of thousands of people were present. During the offertory, Fr. Lucas Ogola left us from the altar and joined the Choir members. I asked within myself the reason of that act. I thought something negative happened. Unfortunately it was not the case. Being a musician, particularly an organist, Fr. Lucas Ogola was prepared to warm the assembly with a chant from D.R.Congo. When the choir members started to sing Yamba Yamba Yahweh, the assembly entire included priests danced as if it was the day of the Coming of Jesus Christ.

R/ ‘’ Yamba, Yamba Yahweh eeee, Yahweh eee, yamba yamba Yahweh eee.(2x)

Yamba yamba yamba  mampa na beto, Yahweh eee yamba yamba Yahweh eee..

Yamba yamba yamba vinu na beto, Yahweh eee yamba yamba Yahwe eee.

Yamba means receive. Mampa=bread. Na beto=ours. Vinu=wine.  I thank you very much, Githurai Catholic Parish Christians, for falling in love with that remarkable chant which is in my Mother tongue, Kikongo. As soon as the Chant finished, there was a tremendous clap from the whole assembly. You made me thrilled and filled at home. Due to Fr. Lucas Ogola presence and skills, I am not impressed to notice this “strange phenomenon” within the Choir members and the Christians in general. He is very good at making people in harmony with nice tunes. You need time to know him. Fr. Lucas Ogola is a real humdinger. Before concluding the ceremony, the parish councillors expressed their feelings which I am interested in summarizing.  They deeply treasured sweet moments and years they spent with Fr. Stephen Murage which will never fade. They really cherished all the good that Fr. Stephen Murage stood for including courage, patience, encouragement, dedication and hard work that has promoted missionary animation and evangelization. They will keep on praying for him knowing God’s plan for him is for prosperity and not to harm him, to give him hope and a bright future. They made him a wish of all the best in his missionary life and successes always follow him.
Last modified on Thursday, 05 February 2015 20:29

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