Good Bye Fr. Charles Jjagwe

Published in I missionari dicono

On 4th December 8, 2020 at about 3pm EA time, I will never forget how Fr Zachary Mutungi Kariuki, Vice Regional Superior IMC KE-UG Region, broke the news of the demise of Fr Charles JJagwe, “Hallo brothers! With heavy hearts we are saddened to announce to you that our beloved brother Fr Charles Jjagwe has gone to the Lord this afternoon. He passed on at Mp Shah Hospital where he had been receiving treatment for almost a month now. May we pray for his soul. Other announcements later.” I quickly recalled our other brothers Fr Gordon Osina Okoth and Bishop Ambrose Ravasi!

The news of the death of my friend Fr Charles Jjagwe was a big shock and blow to me. When I received the call from our Deacon Isac José Manuel Ernesto, who is in Moçambique preparing for his priestly ordination, I detected something amiss from his words: “it is Charles” he said and immediately I cut him off ‘he is gone! I could not held back my tears! My friend Charles has gone to the Lord.

I knew Fr Jjagwe when I was working in South Horr Parish in the Diocese of Maralal in Kenya, when he was assigned to work in Baragoi Parish. As young missionaries, we shared a lot and created time for each other. We could visit each other and share in depth our missionary experience. By then he had just completed his theological studies in England and he had a lot to share about Europe, formation and his expectations to his first appointment in Baragoi.

Our friendship grew and we kept in touch. When I went to Loiyangalani in Marsabit Diocese in Kenya, still we could exchange our experience by the visits we had and shared much. I remember one time he came to visit me in Loiyangalani and he stayed for more days to rest and familiarize with the mission. We could enjoy swimming and at times visited Christian’s families. He was really a missionary brother to me. Then he was transferred to Kahawa West in the Archdiocese of Nairobi later to Bweyegorere Parish. Our visits and friendship did not end in the north. At times he could come to pay me a courtesy call in Alendu in the Archdiocese of Kisumu, Kenya. Then when I came to Mozambique, I thought all was over. No! We kept communicating and exchanging our missionary experience. I remember those words he loved so much ‘Ahuga you are doing well’ were words of consolation and encouragement.

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Last December in 2019, when I went for my holidays he created time and came to visit me. We had a good and fruitful moment sharing still our missionary experiences of the two countries Kenya and Mozambique. Little did I know that was the last day to be with him physically! Today Fr Jjagwe is no more but our missionary friendship is still intact and really. I have lost a great missionary friend. Go Charles we are also on the way coming to be with our creator forever. Good bye Fr ‘Kazi gani’

Some comments about the death of Fr Charles from our missionaries all over the world from. Fr Stephen, “Oooh God! My friend kazi gani it is so sad…I cannot believe it…may perpetual light shine upon him”. Fr Adeka from Mozambique, “No! my goodness. Fr Charles? Too sad! Too soon! Charles rest in peace. I will remember those moments when we were together in Maralal and last year in my home. Charles rest in peace”. From Fr Ssekajugo in Canada, “Very sad and painful. We pray for his eternal rest and consolation of his family.” Fr Venanzio from Colombia, “Really sad to his familia and our missionary family. May he rest in peace.” From South Africa Fr Daniel, “So sorry to hear that. My our confrere really rest in peace. We pray for his family at this point in time.” From Stephen Alfred Odhiambo, “ Fr ‘Kazi gani’ you were there for me while serving in Baragoi…you kept inspiring me even during hard times in that mission…oh my bro. kazi gani! How I will miss your humuor and jokes…these famous greetings baba: ‘kijana you are doing very well’…OMERA niakojon jik…niajokon noi…maata…” From Fr Chrispin in Venezuela, “kitalo nnyo Faza! Rest in peace man of God.” From Sr Fridah Giteri in Kenya, “Unbelievable…safari salama Padre.

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To wind up, Fr Zachary Mutungi said, “‘Scum’ as we used to call you. I have no words to express the pain in my chest. Just the other day you were happily sharing your dreams for the mission of Wamba and how happy you were. We really prayed for your recovery and kept on hoping and hoping. How I wish God had given you just a little more time to see the inauguration of the beautiful church of Wamba you so tirelessly worked for. Well, he knows the reason. Though you have gone too soon, I’m consoled by the fact that you have fought the good fight to the end. May the Lord rest you in peace”.

Fr Cellana and Fr Charles you are now united with God forever. They both worked together in Kahawa West and in Wamba. You taught me by your word and example. I will miss you Charles. I miss you Cellana! How it will be good if you were laid next to Fr Cellana to keep praying for Wamba Parish, Maralal diocese and all the Consolata missionaries. Good bye Fr Charles JJagwe

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* Fr. Justus Pius Ahuga Adeka is a Consolata Missionary from Kenya.

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