The solemnity of Christ the King in Fingoé

Published in I missionari dicono

We started preparing for celebrating the Solemnity of Christ the King with the intense preparation for our catechumens to receive the sacraments of baptism, confession and Holy Communion. These catechumens were in preparation for a long time since two years ago. Due to COVID 19, they could not receive these sacraments in Easter this year. The one week they stayed in our parish Our Lady of Consolata in Fingoé was marked with various activities ranging from lessons of catechesis, celebration of the word of God, use of projector to familiarize themselves with the intimate teachings of the church, meeting with the god parents for recollection. It was a beehive of activities in our new parish that now celebrates 7 years in existence.

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We thank all our Consolata Missionaries who served Fingoé community namely Fr Eduardo Reyes, Fr Franco Giorda, Fr Carlos Biella, Fr Romão, Fr Leonel, Fr Mwallongo the current Parish Priest and Fr Justus Adeka the vice parish priest. It will be interesting to note that, this part of the Diocese of Tete Mozambique was for long time left but thanks to the Fathers from Zambia who took care of the pastoral needs of the faithful.

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On the very day of Christ the King solemnity, the mass started at 9am presided over by Fr Mwallongo and concelebrated Fr Adeka. The young teenagers were all enthusiastic and they received the sacrament of baptism and Holy Communion. In the group were also two adults who for long time wanted to be baptized and receive Holy Communion. In his homily, the parish priest said “the newly baptized to be firm in the faith and serve well the church of God with dedication”. To the godparents he said, “continue supporting the church of God spiritually and material and above all to sustain the missionaries and collaborate with them”.

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The celebration was also graced with the presence of many people from all walks of life not forgetting the Franciscans Sisters their Provincial Superior  Rev Sr Anna Paula and Sr Rita who came all the way from Maputo to be with their sisters in the fraternity and the Christian community in general. The little town of Fingoé was in celebration as those who received the sacraments prepared meals to share with families and friends in their homes. To the newly baptized we wish them all the best to be true disciples of Jesus Christ. The Provincial Superior of the sisters also paid a courtesy call to Uncanha a parish under the Consolata Missionaries with the parish priest Fr Carlos Biella and Fr Christian. This is how the solemnity of Christ the King we celebrated here in Fingoé and marked the end of liturgical year of the Church.

* Fr. Justus Pius Ahuga Adeka is a Consolata missionary from Kenya and does missionary work in Fingoé, Diocese of Tete in Mozambique.

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