Fr. Jack Viscardi: a missionary teacher of encouragement

Published in I missionari dicono

I arrived in South Africa, on the 30th July 1993: Fr. Ettore Viada, the then superior of the group of Consolata Missionaries and Fr. Arlindo Franco de Godoi, a new ordained Brazilian missionary priest, were waiting for me at the Johannesburg International Airport.

That same day, it was Friday we drove km.300 to reach Blaauwbosch Mission, Newcastle.

The local missionary community of Blaauwbosch was formed by Fr. Viada and Fr. Giovanni Viscardi, known as Fr. Jack: since the time of his studies in the seminary, having several students with the name Giovanni.

Fr. Jack was pioneer of the Consolata missionaries in the country: he arrived on the 10th March 1971, with another Giovanni called Fr. John Bertè.

Fr. Jack was missionary in Tanzania and was called by the superiors for his talent of being with the people: forming them to be leaders, catechists, responsible parents and lovers of Jesus. Fr. John was missionary in Kenya, skilled in projecting buildings and organize welfare for the poor and most vulnerable. The two of them complemented each other for the building of the new Diocese of Dundee, developing the local church in the spreading of the Gospel and catechesis, in the liturgy and testimony of Jesus and in caritas: that is the love of God in action.

On that Friday evening Frs. Ettore and Jack explained to Fr. Arlido and me the plan for the following six months: that was to be the month of August in Damesfointein, mission in a farm located Km65 from Ermelo, in such isolated mission we could start to learn isiZulu guided by Fr. Jack, then we could back somewhere in Zululand to continue Zulu lessons with local religious sisters.

Anyway Fr. Jack was joyful and talkative person: among other things told us that Sunday they would have baptisms and could be nice if the two of us could concelebrate with him. We agreed being at the altar accompanying him, but without say anything, because our English was poor and we could not read nor to speak isiZulu.

But he clarified us: for that Sunday, he would invited us to baptize three infants each: at such proposal, we were exacted to reconsider the matter, happy that after three days in South Africa we could baptized in isiZulu.

We wanted to have immediately the text that we had to pronounce to administer the baptisms. Eventually each one of us with his piece of paper, we were read and read again that formula from Friday evening to Sunday morning. 

So Fr. Jack in such way communicated in us that enthusiasm and will to learn the language by giving us the opportunity to say the formula and baptize three little children each.

For me a bigger joy was after nine months, when I was call to go to Sacred Heart Blaauwbosch Parish as assistant priest, but shortly Fr. Jack left me alone in that mission, where I remained for almost four years, happy for had been accompanied by such great missionary of encouragement who trusted me so much.

Missionary life and ministry of Fr. Jack Viscardi, IMC briefly:

Fr. Giovanni Viscardi, called Jack, was born at Cernusco (Como) Italy; on 8th March 1932. He was Consolata Missionary and ordained Priest on 2nd April 1960.

First he was in Tanzania for pastoral ministry and teaching, then he was called to be Consolata pioneer in South Africa, with Fr. John Bertè. They arrived in the country on 10th March 1971; first mission to be served was Piet Retief in the Prefecture of Volksrust, which became Diocese of Dundee on 19th November 1982.

From 1978 to 1983 he was director of the Pastoral Centre at Damesfontein, then short pastoral ministry in Bethal and 1983-1985 and 1988-1989 came back to Piet Retief. He was in Pomeroy from 1989 to 1991.

He was part of the first Consolata team for the Newcastle deanery: they started ministering in that area, on 11 February 1991 and he was Priest in Charge of Blaauwbosch till 1994. Called by his superiors, after short service in London (UK) he came back to South Africa:  as Consolata Missionary, he was also first with Fr. Alexius Lipingu to minister outside of the Diocese of Dundee, going to Waverley and Mamelodi West (Pretoria) on 20th June 1995; he was in Pretoria till 2003, when he went to minister in Italy.

Came back to South Africa in 2008, he was in Waverley (Pretoria) then member of the formation team in our Merrivale Seminary (KZN).  In 2014 came back to Italy, he died on 19th April 2020 in the Residential Home Blessed Joseph Allamano, at Alpignano (Turin) Italy.

* Fr. Rocco Marra is Delegate Superior of the Consolata Missionaries in South Africa-Eswatini

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