A joke turned reality: God’s ways are diverse

Published in I missionari dicono

Way back while in Argentina for theology our superior there, Fr. Mauricio Guevara, used to joke that one of us (we were three in the CAF), may end up in Asia, Mongolia! Mongolia is considered one of the most challenging missions that Consolata missionaries have. So, we really could make a lough out of the joke.

Well, our time in Argentina was up and destinations were around the corner. It turned out that two of us were to remain in American continent while one of us would go to Asian continent. And guess what? I was the one headed to Asia. Later on, after my ordination, the superiors in Asia destined me to Mongolia. I excitedly received the news and shared them with my former colleagues and Fr. Mauricio. It was fun. We once more made a lough out of it.

So my ordination honeymoon in Kenya was over and in August 2018 I travelled to Italy, Rome where I was for several months learning the Italian language and preparing documents for Mongolia. The first application bounced. It was a very discouraging moment. However, the superior general and Fr. Giorgio Marengo the responsible for Mongolia encouraged me a lot. We made another application and this time after a couple of months waiting, the response came positive, so I got the visa for Mongolia.

On Tuesday 4rd June 2019 at 10.00 am I left Rome for Mongolia, my first destination as a priest. I travelled through Moscow. The journey seemed very short for me. Many thoughts lingered my mind: the little I knew about Mongolia and its people, the mission there, the harsh climate, the complicated language and culture, some tough experiences that some missionaries had there etc. All in all, I convinced myself that a conclusion from a personal experience was the best.

On the following day early in the morning the plane I was aboard touched ground at Chinggis Khaan International Airport. I was finally in Mongolia. The weather was chilly. After immigration clearance I went to the luggage conveyor belt where to my great surprise I found only one of my two bags! The other was nowhere to be found. It was my first time to lose a bag, so I was worried. Luckily my 4 confreres in Mongolia were outside waiting for me. They noted the delay and they neared to find out what was up. They didn’t seem worried over my lost bag since it was a common thing with the airline I used. This consoled me. We left for the house. I was glad, excited. Ulaanbaatar looked like a modern city. At the house I was warmly received by both the IMC and MC community. After three days I got the lost bag.

As I write this, I am almost three weeks old in Mongolia. I can’t talk with much certainty about the place but so far, I have known something about the culture, the religion and the presence of the young church here. I was lucky to participate in the theological week organized for all missionaries working here. It was an enriching encounter. I have also begun the language course; it is a tough one. Well, as I continue inserting myself in the mission here, I profoundly thank all those who have accompanied me until this day, and I ask Bl. Virgin Consolata and Bl. Joseph Allamano to accompany me always. 

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