Loiyangalani, counting her blessings

Published in I missionari dicono

The year 2018 came to an end some hours ago. But it is a year to recon with. One that Loiyangalani people and Catholic christians in particular will never forget. Why?

Well. Because we ended it very well. We sacramentally ended it on a very high note. Hence, still counting the graces of God that came with it.

The last month of 2018, the month of December alone, saw Maria Nyota ya Bahari, Loiyangalani Parish, celebrate five Sacraments out of seven in just 31 days! Baptism, Confession, Eucharist, Matrimony and Holy Orders. You will agree with me that the first three Sacraments are frequently celebrated. While the last two, which are also reffered to as the sacraments of service, is not a frequent affair, atleast in this side of the world. So, having celebrated them five just in a month, and at Loiyangalani...! A miracle! A grace from God!

On the eighth day of the twelfth month of the previous year, we had two sons, Alfonso Ebukut and Daniel Lelerai, of Maria Nyota ya Bahari, Loiyangalani parish, become priests in a colourful and grace-filled Holy Mass precided by His Lordship Rev. Peter Kihara, imc, Bishop of Marsabit Diocese.

Good to note that, this was the second Priestly Ordination in Loiyangalani town after the first one which took place ten years ago. In fact, it is the first one that inspired the newly ordained priests to walk the path to priesthood. We wish them the best in their priestly ministry.

Fourteen days after the celebration of the Sacrament of the Holy Orders, we were again celebrating yet another sacrament of service, that is Matrimony. Maria Nyota ya Bahari, Loiyangalani Parish witnessed a colourful celebration of the holy Matrimony of Alex and Lilian. We wish them the best in their matrimonial ministry.

And if you doubt that this side of the world rarely gets christians, then you may not be right.

On the twenty-eighth day of December, during the feast of the Holy Innocents, we baptised 18 infants in Loiyangalani. We also baptised 30 others in Moite, one of our Outstations, 104 km north of Loiyangalani town. Hence in that graceful month, we had 48 new christians added in our Baptismal Register. To them, we send our best wishes in their christian life.

All these are graces from God. We keep counting them. Thanking God for the good and happy ending of the year 2018.

So, to you 2019, please let these graces continue flowing like a river, with God as its source. 

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