The Merrivale Seminary at ten years since its foundation

Published in I missionari dicono

Consolata theological seminary has marked ten years of existence since its foundation in South Africa-Eswatini Delegation. It happens to be the only formation house that is within the delegation and serves as the only formation house for young missionaries who are in the process of being prepared towards priesthood. The seminary at most has been having twelve to fourteen members whereby ten or twelve are students and two Priests who are endowed with the mandate of preparing the students to discern their vocations.

The members of the seminary are always from different countries such as Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, DRC-Congo, Ethiopia, Italy and Mozambique. However much they come from different backgrounds and cultural realities they embrace each other and form a community. This is always facilitated by embracing the spirit of inter-culturality to bring unity in diversity and form one Consolata family.

The seminary is basically endowed with preparing young missionaries towards priesthood whereby they undertake theological studies. The study of theology is a four year course at Saint Joseph’s Theological Institute where the students attend their studies throughout the four years. Back in the seminary the students by end of the four years are expected to have achieved an integral growth as individual persons   in all dimensions of life. The dimensions are human, Spiritual, religious, missionary, Pastoral and Intellectual. These dimensions mark the essential elements of the young men being formed/ prepared for priesthood and more so for missionary life.

Achievements of the seminary since foundation

Ten years since the establishment of the seminary has translated to good gains, though ten years sounds not long time ago, the seminary has successful formed and sent out young missionaries to the world. Several of the missionaries are now serving different continents as Consolata Missionary priests. Some are serving in Asia (Taiwan), Latin-America (Brazil) and Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Angola, Eswatini, Ethiopia and South Africa). Through the Priests the Christian Faithful continue witnessing the call of being Missionaries and so embracing the love of Christ for the mission.

The formation of the missionaries

Someone will wonder what it is all about forming missionaries!!!!! The seminary is described as a study house but I will choose to call it a formation house in this case.  The formation is not all about studying but a process of learning a way of Consolata Life. The life in the seminary is centered on principles of community, prayer, manual work as well paying attention to Marian devotion and commitment to Eucharist which translates to Consolata Spirituality.  The seminary is intended to prepare the missionaries in such a way that they are self-sustained. So to achieve this there are projects going on such rearing chicken, growing vegetables and cleaning the compound by the students. This helps impart some life skills on the students that they can use in their future missions to sustain themselves.

In preparation for apostolate the students are involved in St. Martin de Porres Parish activities whereby some visit the old age home and administer the Holy Communion, others take part in teaching the catechism and other students take part in the activities of St. Vincent de Paul group to reach out to the less fortunate in the society.

The future of the seminary

The future is to have many missionaries being enrolled and preparing them to serve in the mission. On this note the house has always comprised of people who come from other countries, but the future is to have some students from the south- Africa and Swaziland and that will be dream of the house come true.

Finally, we continually hope and wish that the formation in this beautiful theological seminary continues to make the young missionaries be like Christ, full of vigor for mission, love and service to all humanity.

Take a Look at the Seminary

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Last modified on Tuesday, 04 December 2018 21:50
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  • +39 06 393 821