In Charity and Truth I commit myself to serve God…

Published in I missionari dicono

During the whole of last year, 2017 I always had in mind two important dates. This is perhaps because of the indelible mark that these dates could leave in my life. One of the dates is 31st of December2017 that simply marks my perpetual profession as well as 9th of January 2018 a day of my diaconate ordination. All these two events happened in a foreign land, a land of my mission. I felt so much at home, one, because I had an opportunity to have my parents participating in both events. Secondly because, the people with whom I live in the mission showed a lot of concern and generous collaboration. This leaves me indebted to the Korean people that welcomed me and are at the same time helping me bear a missionary testimony in this land. I cannot leave a side my dear esteemed confreres who have always accompanied me through thick and thin. I learnt a lot from them and for that matter; I pass my vote of thanks to Fr. Tamrat our regional superior, on behalf of all the IMC members working in RAS.


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Ordained in the diocese of Incheon as the only religious missionary makes me feel how we are one Church and also how we as Consolata missionaries are appreciated by the local church, especially by the diocese of Incheon. This also gave me a chance to share nice experiences with my colleague diocesan seminarians with whom I was ordained as well as the priests and sisters in charge of the vocation and liturgical offices of the diocese.


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A few days before my perpetual profession and diaconate, I lived some tense moments, especially when I always thought of the commitment I was to make before the church community in seeking to do the will of God in my life. All the same, thanks to Fr. Diego who helped me though the spiritual exercises as well as Fr. Tamrat our regional superior who constantly sought to encourage me in preparation for the two commitment. Fr. Simon of Dongmyeongdong Songdang was also instrumental in ensuring that I was well prepared for this life commitment. I would also like to say that I lived these tense moments through prayer and daily meditation.


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To our readers, I would like to thank in a special way all those who accompanied me through my basic formation process. I know most of you prayed for me incessantly, many more collaborated through material help leave alone the fact of participating in the two events, for that matter may God benedict you abundantly. I have not attained what is to be attained, I have simply begun the journey, may you always support me by your prayers, that I may become a humble instrument of God, that though my words and deeds, I may bear witness to Christ, the first missionary of the Father. For you I am a deacon and religious missionary but with you I am a Christian, let us all strive to be coherent to our Christian calling in the pursuit of holiness in Charity and Truth.


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Last modified on Thursday, 18 January 2018 23:04

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